#5 Purchase an NFT

Would you like to buy an existing NFT? Follow the guide below!

  1. First, please make sure there are enough funds in your CTPAY Wallet. Please refer to the following link for the CTPAY deposit and withdrawal guide https://ctomorrow.gitbook.io/home/v/kr/guide/deposit

  2. Click on the NFT you want to purchase.

3. Successfully entered this NFT's page.

4. There are two ways to buys an NFT, depending on the seller's settings. Select "PLACE A BID" to purchase by auction. The NFT will be awarded to the user who made the highest bid during the auction period. Click "BUY XXXX" to purchase at a specified price. If you do click "BUY XXXX", the purchase will be completed immediately

5. Successfully purchased!

Last updated